"EXAMPLE" skins results from todays actual scores. All scores were entered for each player with the exception of John Martin since he's still +2-2. The handicap is the "League Handicap" based on your quota.
BIG NOTE: Hole #9 is a Par 5 for white tees and Par 4 for Gold tees. I reduced each "White Tee" score by one to match up to the "Gold Tee" par for the hole. Three images below, 1) Gross Skins, 2) Net Skins, 3)League Handicap
The Gross and Net "Skins" are sorted by "NET SCORE".
NET SKINS SCORES are calculated by the "League Handicap" and "Hole Handicap".
Also notice your Gross score and Net score are displayed.
This is only a SAMPLE of "Gross" and "Net" Skins from todays scores. NO money is owed by or to anyone!!!!
GROSS Skins:

NET Skin Results

Quotas with "LEAGUE HANDICAP". League handicap is based on your quota and Par for White tees and Par for Gold tees. BIG NOTE: The quotas/handicaps below are from AFTER entering todays scores. Handicaps on the Skins sheets are prior to todays round.