Due to the pandemic we cannot get scorecards from the Pro Shop anymore. They are doing all they can to keep the course open and they MUST follow the base guidelines! It's up to each and everyone of us that we always respect social distancing and when necessary wearing a mask. Otherwise, they will shut the course down once again with no end in sight. Whether you're a believer or not don't ruin it for the rest of us and respect the base policies. No gaggles of players or carts in the parking lot or on the 1st tee. The base health office will not hesitate to shut the course down if they see groups gathering and not respecting the guidelines.
Below is our new scorecard. Remember, bring your own pen or pencil for keeping score. Whomever is doing the check-in will have the scorecards and when checking people in for play he will give 2 players out of each playing group a card. Two cards for scoring integrity and must be verified by EACH in the playing group at the end of play. Once the score cards are turned in they are official scores and cannot be overturned once the results are published. So, it's up to each player to ensure their score is correct with your groups scorekeepers at the end of the round.
The above was penned by Andy Clark. Thanks Andy.
One other thing, ref the scorecards, I do not care which one you use as long as I get the right numbers. But we do have the new ones printed up from Andy's printer contact. And let's watch and make sure no large groups gather without protection.